Nering Industries’ Hydroelectric Water Wheel
Marc Nering has extensive experience in heavy industry, business, hydropower, and carbon capture, and as if that were not enough, he also designed and built an innovative power-generating water wheel in his garage. In this interview, Mr. Nering tells us about the design and construction of his device, its potential use cases, and how his […]
Colorado State Representative Hugh McKean on Passing Legislation to Designate Pumped Hydropower as Renewable
As of April 2021, energy generated by pumped hydroelectric facilities in Colorado counts as renewable under state energy standards. Governor Jared Polis, a Democrat, made the change official when he signed into law a bill sponsored by two Republicans, State Representative Hugh McKean and State Senator Rob Woodward. The new law will apply to energy […]
The Uncommon Dialogue Coalition’s Hydro Infrastructure Investment Proposal
The National Hydropower Association (NHA) is one of a dozen hydropower industry, environmental, and scientific groups that have come together in the Uncommon Dialogue process, a Stanford University initiative to create consensus around hydropower and environmental issues. Recently, this coalition produced a detailed infrastructure spending proposal aimed at Congress and the Biden administration. It envisions […]
Sunnyside Valley Irrigation District’s New Boom Fish Guidance System
The Sunnyside Valley Irrigation District (SVID) provides irrigation water to 94,000 acres growing row crops, hops, grapes, and tree fruit in central Washington. As with many central Washington dams, SVID’s Sunnyside Dam poses challenges for juvenile fish survival. To address this problem, SVID is installing a new boom fish guidance system. In this interview, SVID […]
Paul Meeks: Signing Up for Dam Safety
Dams and reservoirs provide not only clean, renewable hydropower, but also opportunities for public recreation. However, the operation of these facilities can also create hazards for boaters, fishermen, and swimmers upstream and downstream of the powerhouse and dam. Proper signage can alert the public to safety hazards so that they avoid dangerous situations. Today, settled […]
Jarrod Malenchak of Manitoba Hydro on Water Resources and Dam Safety
Manitoba Hydro is the sole energy provider for the Canadian province of Manitoba. The provincially owned corporation produces the majority of its energy with its 15 hydropower facilities and has a current total capacity of 5,600 megawatts (MW). In this interview, Jarrod Malenchak, a section head within Manitoba Hydro’s water resources engineering department, tells Hydro […]
Annick Bigras on Hydro-Québec’s Commitment to Dam Safety
Hydro-Québec is the publicly owned hydropower company that provides 99 percent of the electricity in the province of Québec. The province’s long history of hydropower, coupled with the policies that were put into place after the Saguenay Flood of 1996, have resulted in Hydro‑Québec’s excellent dam safety program. In this interview, Hydro-Québec Director of Dams […]
Dusty Myers: Ensuring Dam Safety at Eagle Creek Renewable Energy
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy owns and operates 86 hydroelectric projects across the United States, representing about 620 megawatts (MW) of power capacity. A wholly owned subsidiary of Ontario Power Generation (OPG), Eagle Creek recently merged with Cube Hydro Partners, expanding its portfolio and its capacities. In this interview, Dusty Myers, Eagle Creek’s chief dam safety […]
Malcolm Woolf of the National Hydropower Association: A Voice for the Water Power Industry
The National Hydropower Association (NHA) is the national trade association for the hydropower association, encompassing all water power technologies, including traditional reservoir hydropower, pumped storage, wave energy, and tidal energy. While hydropower is often seen as a mature technology, it is still experiencing significant innovation and promises to be a crucial component of the 21st-century […]
FERC Regulatory Considerations for Project Modifications
By Chuck Sensiba and Elizabeth McCormick It is well known that hydropower is one of the oldest forms of electricity generation in the United States, with hydropower plants accounting for 99 percent of all currently operating capacity built before 1930. Incredibly, the average hydroelectric facility has been operating for over 60 years, and the 50 […]